The Importance Of Resident Testimonials In Marketing Your Apartment
There is nothing more convincing than the testimonies of people who have actually experienced the best things about your apartment. You would be surprised at how much other people value these opinions when looking for a new home! That is why if you have not gathered any resident testimionials yet, now is the time to start. To help you, here are some things to keep in mind.
What Do Resident Testimonials Do?
When people shop online, they look at reviews first to get to know a product better. Your apartment is no different and resident testimonials are going to help you build your credibility. It is also a very good way to market your apartment and convince others to give it a chance and check it out! These testimonials not only attract attention, but it also holds a person’s interest enough to give you an opportunity to invite your next community member.
Reviews and testimonials weigh a lot in decision-making. An honest review from your residents would greatly influence others.
What Kind Of Testimonials Should I Share?
While posting feedback from your community is first and foremost meant to highlight the best things about your apartment, those neighborhood feedbacks are also a way for others to know if the place is the right fit for them. Is the location near their office? Is there a nearby school? Is the area pet friendly? By posting resident testimonials, you are also able to provide people with answers to their queries even if its indirect.
With that said, you should think carefully about which testimonials to share on your online pages and other platforms. Do not focus on praise-filled comments only. Instead, learn to balance the strengths and weakness of your apartment to ensure authenticity. For instance, it is okay to post about being a little further away from luxury malls, but mentioning that your apartment is just a few minutes away from grocery stores.
Other Benefits Of Resident Testimonials
While you are able to gain attention and convince people to visit your apartment, you are able to build resident retention at the same time. Your residents will feel valued and more engaged when you ask for their feedback. In addition, it is also a way for you to know what needs improvement so you could address issues immediately. You’re able to make progress inside and outside your community!