Team Building Games

A great way to encourage team building is by hosting a fun day. Have your team members get to know each other with some activities that encourage them to have fun together. This will help them get to know each other better, and in turn promote healthy work relationships. Here is a list of some games that you can play with your team members to get started.
-Family Feud- Make up a list of questions for your staff to answer. They can be personal, or related to property management. Gather the answers and prepare to display them somehow. You could use a large poster or make a powerpoint presentation. Have two teams set up with a bell to ring when one gets the answer. Then proceed to play Family Feud style. This will bring tons of fun and laughs to your whole staff.
-Compliment Cards- Write each staff member’s name on the front of the card, and then pass them around the room. Everyone should write one nice compliment about that person on the back of the card. When everyone is finished, pass the cards back to their owner so that they can read all the nice compliments.
-Spirit Night- Choose a night to take your staff out to do something fun. It could be trivia night, a paint night, a bingo night, a theater event, a trip to an amusement park, or anything else that your staff may find fun. Enjoy some time together outside of work and get to know one another.
-Host A Fundraiser- Have your team work together to plan something for the local community. It could be an ice cream social, a stuffed animal collection drive, a food pantry drive, or helping at the local soup kitchen. Working together to plan something that will give back to the community encourages your team members to work together while also bringing some good attention to your company.
Try out one of these fun activities with your team today. You could make a whole day out of team building, or just a couple of hours. If you are looking for help with your team, check out our website. We’ve got solutions to help you with all your team building needs.