Move Your Team Forward

It is important to make sure that your team never goes stagnant. You should be one step ahead of them, encouraging them to reach for a new goal or to learn a new skill. Help them on their way to becoming a valuable team member and they will appreciate the time you took by using their new skills to build your business.
— Trainings- Be sure that you are giving your team enough chances to learn new skills. Send them to trainings, and encourage them to listen and take away as much information as they can. Have them come back to your team and do a presentation about what they have learned. That way everyone can benefit from the training, not just those who were able to attend.
— Reading Library- Keep a library of relevant books in your office. Encourage your employees to check out the books on the honor system to read and bring back. It can be a source of conversation, or a way to point out some helpful information when the situation arises.
— Technology- This one is always difficult and depends on your team members. If you have a group of young, tech-savy employees, giving them the training they need to keep up with the latest technology might be easy. If you have an older crew who doesn’t really use technology, you may have a harder time. Listen to what your employees are asking you for, and decide what form of technology will be the most helpful. Bestowing an employee with a brand new laptop will not help you if they have no clue how to use it.
— Promotions- Promotions are a great way to keep things from becoming stagnant. Promotions make employees feel like they are getting somewhere in a company and not just sitting around idly. Give promotions when they are deserved, not just to give them. And be sure there is always room to grow. Once you have reached the top, there is nowhere else to go.
If you are looking for more ways to keep your business from becoming stagnant, check out our full line of courses and information sessions. Occupancy Solutions has something to help with every aspect of your business and we’d be happy to get you started. Just give us a call and we’ll pair you with one of our specialists who will be happy to help you find the program that is going to work best for your business.