Lease Ups
If you are a new community or a new construction, you will face some different marketing challenges. Sometimes it is easier for you because people want to know about the newest building in the area and how they can live in a brand new apartment. Other times there is no word of mouth or past reviews to back up your new property, so people skip right over you. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can help to promote your new business in your area.
One of the marketing tools with the widest reach is actually Facebook. Millions of people use Facebook, and everyone is connected with their friends and family. And an added bonus; Facebook is free! You just have to know how to utilize it to get the most out of your advertising. Add photos of the apartment on your page. Draw attention to the units and how nice they are being brand new. Create a Facebook event for an open house night to encourage people to come down and feel at home in your building. The word will spread and people will be intrigued.
Make sure your signage is visible from the road. If you can’t be seen, people won’t know you exist, or they will assume you are some sort of private business. Have a sign that can be read easily from the road so that when people see your other forms of advertisement, they can put two and two together and associate your brand new property with the logo.
Get out there and spread the word! Talk with other local businesses. See if you can strike up a deal where you display their flyer in your building and they display yours in theirs. Work together as a local community and you can all benefit from the word of mouth. The more positive things you can get going around the community, the more people will know about you. Hold a community drive together. Give back to your local area. People will want to work with a business that has the best interest of a community at heart.
While being a new business has its own challenges, you don’t have to be scared. Occupancy Solutions has all the resources you need to get your new property going strong. Contact us today to see a full listing of the courses we offer and how we can help you get started.