Incentives To Help Your Community Get Engaged
Little incentives are an excellent way to really get your community engaged, and help you to sell a lifestyle that people of your area will really want to be a part of. These incentives can be as small or as exciting as you’d like, and what they provide is a way for members of your community to get together and know that they’re truly appreciated for being a part of the atmosphere you’re looking to create. Not only this, but when it comes to prospective future community members, this gives them a little something to think of whenever they consider you for their next residence, as well as a leg up on any other local competition.
One way to incorporate a bit of an incentive into your community atmosphere is through excursions, and these excursions can take any form you’d like. One popular way to offer this type of incentive is to provide “field trips” of sorts with local bus or transportation companies, which gives community members a way to join together in participating in activities. These excursion events can be family oriented or adult oriented, and they can give your residents an opportunity to do something they may have never done before. These transportation companies and many locations will also often offer group rates, so you can provide your residents with a new experience and a new opportunity for a lesser cost; one aspect that can further entice them to take part!
If you’re looking to offer an incentive that is a little more close to home, one popular method right now is providing cookies, coffee, or breakfast every once in a while or regularly in a community building throughout your neighborhood. Even a small gesture such as this can provide your residents with the feeling of being appreciated, and this can add to resident satisfaction and resident retention.
At Occupancy Solutions, we love the idea of small incentives to give your current and future community members another way to feel good about where they live, and we feel that this is one sure way to market a great lifestyle. To learn more about providing community incentives, simply contact us at Occupancy Solutions today!