How To Manage Fights Between Renters

Solid lease terms like quiet hours, parking rules, and maintenance responsibility can prevent misunderstandings leading to disputes. However, sometimes renter conflict is unavoidable. Whether it's due to noise violations, disagreements over shared spaces, or something more serious like rental damage or harassment, you need a clear plan to manage and resolve renter disputes. When you address conflicts professionally, you maintain a positive environment for everyone and reduce the likelihood of disputes escalating.
Create A Conflict Resolution Policy And Procedure
First, you will create a policy for handling renter disputes. Start by outlining renter rights, including the right to:
- a safe living environment;
- privacy;
- raise concerns about their living conditions;
- fair treatment during conflict resolution; and
- freedom from retaliation if they file a complaint.
These renter rights will be the baseline that guides the specific details of your policy. You will then start creating your procedure for conflict meditation.
Mediate The Conflict Between Renters
The conflict resolution procedure should outline the steps both renters and staff should take to resolve issues fairly. Your procedures also need to include penalties for non-compliance. Here's a procedure for conflict resolution when a dispute arises between renters. You can customize this procedure to your business processes:
- Remain unbiased and composed throughout the process.
- Take the time to understand the concerns of the renter involved fully.
- Hear the other side of the story by speaking directly to the other renter.
- If the issue requires deeper discussion, organize a meeting with both parties to mediate the situation.
- Encourage respectful dialogue where both renters feel heard.
- Keep a written record of all conversations, agreements, and actions taken.
- Work together with both parties to find a solution that works for everyone involved.
- Once the parties agree on a resolution, create an actionable plan and follow up.
Include both conflict resolution policies and procedures in your renter welcome package and staff training. In most cases, you can resolve renter disputes with reasonable policies and processes.
What To Do If Things Escalate
In some cases, the dispute escalates to a point where the renters cannot resolve their conflict. If that happens, you will need to enforce the lease terms. Consult with your real estate management attorney to explore your legal options if necessary. In extreme cases, don't hesitate to involve law enforcement if safety violations are involved. Your main goal is to protect the rights of your occupants.
Conflicts happen, but they can be avoided, mitigated, and resolved with the right policies and procedures. For more ways to support a thriving community, contact Occupancy Solutions. We can help you develop strategies that help you avoid and address renter conflict.