One of the big benefits of social media for community management teams is the opportunity for engagement. Community management teams can engage their followers, prospects, and the public to show off their brand personality, give a look into what lifestyles are like within their community, and build valuable relationships. Social media wasn’t an outlet available to communities even just 15 years ago, so it’s still a fairly new but highly effective way to market your community and your brand.

The only way community management teams can really reap the reward of social media marketing is if they learn how to be engaging, how to create engaging posts, and how to get this sort of valuable discourse going on their social media platforms. Whether you’re using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, or another social media platform, a few key tips can help you to keep your audiences engaged. A few tips for engaging your community with your social media posts in 2021 are:

•    Show what you want to say – Social media isn’t the place for walls of text. If you’re writing more than a few sentences, chances are your posts are going to be scrolled right by. Rather than taking time to tell, why not show what you want to say? Include article links, photos, and short captions to keep your posts readable and interactive.

•    Use your own images – Stock photos are easy, they’re well taken, and they look good, but keep them away from your social media. Using stock images in your website or your advertising brochures might work, but social media is all about personality. If you want to engage your followers use original photos you’ve had taken or taken yourself.

•    Share what others have to say – It can be tough to advertise without seeming “salesy” on social media, so why not let your community members do it for you? Testimonials and reviews shared by your social media account let others see what real life members of your community have to say and it seems more genuine in piquing their interest.

At we want to help today’s community management teams to make the most of their time invested into social media. To learn more about creating engaging posts that really communicate your brand personality contact us at today.