Social media marketing is a must for any brand in 2024, but for community marketing teams trying to break into this landscape, knowing just how to engage can seem overwhelming. What approach will you take with your content? What will your brand voice be? Will your current residents take to the engagement? What about prospects? At, we’re here to make this feat a bit less daunting. Different content ideas you can include in your community management marketing include:

  • Employee highlights – In community management, your team really becomes part of your neighborhood family. Your residents rely on your customer service staff to answer their questions, your marketing team to interact and have fun with, and your maintenance team to address their residence concerns. One content idea is to provide employee highlights that let the public get to know the management family you’ve built. For prospective residents, it gives them a look into the organic neighborhood feel you’ve built.
  • Highlight your residents as well – Your residents create the very foundation of your organic neighborhood atmosphere, and they show a unique firsthand look into what others can experience when they become a part of your community as well. Having resident highlights along with employee highlights gives a unique perspective into what living in your community really looks like.
  • Video tours – Video content is one of the most engaging types of content that you can put on your social media. With the rise of Instagram Reels and TikTok, this proves just how interested in video content the general public is in 2024. Video tours of residences and the overall property is a great way to reach prospects, engage current residents, and show off your brand personality all at the same time.
  • Show off local events and businesses – Generating interest in your community is even easier when you can generate interest in your local area as a whole. Local events, businesses, and special things in your area are excellent pieces to highlight in your social media content if you’re looking to attract out of town prospects. Location matters for most when they’re planning to move to a new community, and showing off what sets yours apart is impactful.

We at want to help community management teams to embrace the power of social media. To learn more about creating engaging and exciting content for current residents or prospects, contact us today.