In a happy community, your staff becomes part of your authentic community feel. Your residents trust your staff, they look forward to seeing them, and they build their own rapport with them over time. If you experience high turnover in your staff, this organic relationship is much harder to build. New faces all the time make it far more difficult for your residents to build that trust and rapport.

Motivation is a powerful tool to ensure your team feels appreciated, inspired, and happy as part of your community. A few ideas to motivate and inspire your community management staff are:

  • Offer personal development opportunities -- Your staff will need to feel like they're moving forward in order to feel like they're satisfied in your community. Personal development opportunities like group classes, training stipends, and leadership development learning are great ways to ensure your staff never feels as if they're stagnant in their role.
  • Create clear career path maps -- Every professional wants to know they're working for something and serving a purpose. Creating clear career path maps your staff members can rely on is a way to keep those goals visualized.
  • Accept change -- Change is only natural, and it's up to the community leadership to accept this change and welcome it as it comes. This may mean changing the way things are done, how you lead, or adopting new technologies into your community. Failure to accept change may lead your staff to begin looking elsewhere, where they may feel things are done in a more modern and efficient way.
  • Prioritize well-being -- Well-being and work/life balance are important in every industry, including community management. One highly effective way to motivate and inspire your staff is to pay close attention to burnout, allow well-being days, and offer open communication to ensure your teams are in a good place mentally and physically.

Your staff is a huge part of the family you create in your community management endeavors. We want to aid in making sure your staff is happy, satisfied, and inspired in their careers. To learn more about motivating your teams, contact us at today.