5 Tips For A Successful Minibar
Full of little treats, minibars are one of the more interesting parts of any hotel room. Sure, a boutique hotelier can go the basic route with a few bags of peanuts and mini bottles of wine, but this doesn’t make the minibar much of a selling point. If you want to see real success out of your minibar, 5 tips are:
1. Go local – Rather than the same basic goodies, you can use your minibar to showcase what makes your area special. Rather than basic mini bottles of wine, pick up a few bottles of beer from a local brewery. Rather than buying bulk boxes of mixed nut bags, set up a relationship with the artisan who makes beef jerky. Instead of mini-bags of chips, see what local produce stands have in season and toss in something fresh. This shows pride in the local community and gives boutique hoteliers a way to make great networking relationships with other local businesses.
2. Have some variety – Maybe someone isn’t a drinker, so you’re not going to make much off of a minibar that includes only small bottles of alcoholic beverages. Perhaps someone tends to choose healthy snacks, they won’t be convinced to munch out on a bag of chips or pretzels. Variety keeps things interesting, and it retains interest in your minibar from any guest that walks through your doors.
3. Include a credit when guests book – Without some incentive to take a peek, some guests may ignore the minibar altogether. Including a $10 or $15 credit for the minibar with each booking incentivizes guests to see what’s available. Guests feel like they’re getting something a little extra, and boutique hoteliers are more likely to upsell additional items when they grab immediate interest.
4. Include some branding – Branded jars, mints, and snack packaging are greats way to bring your minibar into your brand. It creates a more cohesive experience for guests, and has an impressive presentation.
5. Take note of what sells – If you’re putting out a few things that gather dust, there’s no use in keeping with what’s not working. Take note of what sells and what doesn’t and base your future minibar purchases on what the guests want. Don’t be afraid to try new things and to switch up what you’re offering every so often.
There are a lot of small ways to make guests feel taken care of at your boutique hotel, and the minibar is just one of them. To learn more about setting yourself apart from your competition, contact us at OccupancySolutions.com today.