4 Tips For Managing A Work Life Balance In Community Management
Community management teams are in a unique position. It’s not your usual 9 to 5 job, and many community managers live on the same properties they’re in charge of. Frequent phones buzzing, emails coming in, and employees with this question or that can begin to take its toll on even the most seasoned team leader. What you don’t want to experience is burnout, and 4 tips for managing a work life balance in community management are:
Get your priorities in check – Analyzing and organizing your priorities can help you to save yourself a great deal of stress. Lay out all of the community related tasks you must get finished by the end of the day, and order them by most important to least important by comparison. It’s important to remember that not everything needs to be finished within a 24 hour period, and there are some issues that can wait until tomorrow. If emergency calls from residents come in during this time, consider them the same way. A busted pipe is a right now problem, while a stopped drain could be a tomorrow problem if there aren’t enough hours in the day.
- Be quick after work hours – If you receive an email or phone call that you must take after your designated work hours, try to make it as quick as possible. A short answer, or a concise solution is all that is needed, and unless it’s an emergency situation, a more thorough explanation can come tomorrow.
- Put trust in your team – Your team is in place to work together, and if you trust the talent you’ve chosen, you should trust them to take care of what needs to be taken care of when you’re done for the day. Not only will this allow you to manage your own work life balance, but it will work to empower your team and show them that you place your trust in their talents and skills.
- Make plans to do your own thing – If you allow off time to remain free time, you’re more likely to revert back to work. For a little while in the beginning at least, schedule activities and plans with friends and family during your time to yourself. What this will do is keep you accountable for your off-time, and make you less likely to buckle and report to fix community issues while you’re supposed to be relaxing.
At OccupancySolutions.com, we know how difficult it can be to manage a healthy work life balance for community management teams. To learn more about finding that balance and maintaining it, contact us today.